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Glass Arts2024-05-28T16:07:08-07:00

The Many Faces of Glass

Glass can be cut, heated, shaped, and cold worked to create both artistic and functional pieces. BARN’s Glass Arts Studio is a regional center for techniques such as fused glass, stained glass, torchworking, coldworking and glass mosaics.

BARN’s active community of glass artisans can get you started on your glass journey. Once you’re certified to use the equipment, you can attend open studio sessions to work on your own projects. Join a free Glass Studio Orientation to get started!

Upcoming Glass Arts Events

Fused Glass

Glass fusing joins pieces of glass at high temperatures. It can then be used to create many different shapes, from functional to fantastic. Layers of glass can be heated and “slumped” over kiln forms to create bowls, plates, platters, and sculptures. Kiln-fused glass can also be used to make components for jewelry. BARN has kilns large and small that can be reserved by BARN members for use during classes or for independent projects.

Fused glass plates in a kiln
Youth working on a stained glass project

Stained Glass

Often thought of as the art of painting with glass, stained glass is created by joining pieces of colored glass with metal such as lead or copper. It’s an art that has been practiced for thousands of years. The Pacific Northwest is home to some of the most experienced stained-glass artisans in the world, and they come to BARN to share their skills.


Lampworking or flameworking are two terms used to describe a type of glasswork that uses a torch to melt and shape glass. Once the glass is heated to a molten state, it is formed by shaping with tools and hand movements. The technique can be used to make beads, small sculptures, marbles, and more. In addition to classes that can get you started, there are focused open studio sessions where experienced monitors can help you advance your skills.

Glass mosaic project in progress

Glass Mosaics

Explore this traditional form of glasswork in which small pieces of colored glass are joined with glue and grout. Mosaics can embellish art and functional items such as mirrors, birdbaths, structures, and furniture. Using just a handful of materials and a couple of tools, you can make your own glistening glass art. Watch the Glass Arts Studio calendar for upcoming classes.

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Open Studio

Work on independent projects in the Glass Arts Studio.  To gain access to open studios, first register for a free Glass Studio Orientation. Learn more »

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Have questions about getting started in the Glass Arts Studio? View our Glass Arts FAQ. »

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Want to help the Glass Arts Studio flourish? We have lots of volunteer opportunities!  Learn more »

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Kiln Time

BARN members can reserve Glass Arts Studio kilns for use on their projects! Learn more »

Glass Arts News

Studio Lead

Cynthia Jacobs

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Glass Arts Studio office phone: 206-842-4475 x212

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